Pithy Charming
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Be pithy. Be charming.
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Here's an overlay comparison of Natalie and a partial face capture from Hunter's foot job video.
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My promotion to official CWSA personality
March 07, 2023
Vinay Prasad deconstructs CDC covid messaging
X-files prognosticated current affairs of 2022. Transcribing DNA with vaccines, depopulation, corporate food control, etc.
September 18, 2021
Here's the deal

Locals won't allow this place to be free so I set it up at the minimum allowable fee. The promocode pithycharming is good monthly for the next 6 years. Come play.


I'm a fan of No Agenda and like their value for value model. I'll set each post to allow tips. If you like something feel free to drop a few cents. I'll even accept crypto.

HBAR: 0.0.1712238
ETH: 0x61C20D6174b96F06d84db5F05001AD6643Fb3b9f
XRP: rsjzmZ4WfonC3pXS52zoCxTYfqfiBgCis1
BTC: 19MkcLnbA4ncsWdEvGChu6KAqqMvhnzAgt

September 25, 2024
It's been a while but I'll let you know you secret sauce for the spiciest posts....

I'm only repeating what the woke dipshits are teaching me.

1. Blacks are barely functional in polite society and need to be babysat forever.

2. All oppression is bad, therefore, I call ALL OPPRESSION out when I see it. It's usually Semitic in nature these days.

3. Whites need to be segregated at all costs.

I put my own Mikebert spice in the formulation but the rue of everything I post is woke dipshit ideology.

June 21, 2024
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